“IT industry is growing – whether its Data Centers or Web presence or Data Collection & Analysis“
With this pandemic, lot of small businesses who were dealing on manual operations with registers and papers, have also moved start maintaining data on computers. Offline stores moved to online presence. SMEs are investing to streamline their processes in between departments.
All this new advancement and adaptation, it has increased the areas of career opportunities. Here, we would like to put down few of the most popular ones.
Research says, IT industry will continue to grow with new dimensions and opening more areas of opportunities.
- Data Analytics
Every business is now moving on collecting and processing data on computers whether its a e-commerce or healthcare or manufacturing. As the organizations are accumulating data, the necessity to understand data have grown-up. This requirement can be as simple as to understand the payment receivable aging or average monthly ordering by top customers. Or to understand, the seasonal sales of which products in which locations to analyze trends and hence help businesses to make valuable timely decisions.
- Software Application Development
Even the big companies those who had various software in place for various operations like finance, sales, procurement, inventory management etc, are seeking customized systems for their needs. Today, there are lot of out-of-box softwares available in market. But, organizations need someone to customize out-of-box system to their requirement or to build specific systems for their own needs.
- IT Operations & Infrastructure
Gone are the days when all employees are sitting in one or two office locations and a local computer hardware service provider could service their day-to-day problems. Today, with distributed teams from work-from-home & office, using multiple devices and different platforms, organizations need someone who not only knows Windows 10 software installation, but also knows about networks, firewalls, email servicing, data backups, online tools like Zoom, Teams, Google Meet etc and can keep all team members to continue working without technical disruptions.
- Project Manager / Lead Manager
As mentioned above, teams are distributed. Some are in office and some are working from home. So, the collaboration has become a big challenge and keeping the task or project under-control. Any project or task is considered successful only when its been completed within timelines and without adding more resources – basically finished as per plan or more close to the plan. Organizations need these professionals to keep the project on-track, teams aware of timelines & their tasks and keep stakeholders updated for the process.
There is lot more happening in IT Industry. Keep yourself updated with the trends and new opportunity requirements to help yourself for the career growth.
All the best for your career!!